True or False


I say it is true.   Regardless if you believe or not we each will have an expiration date.  Car wreck,  a disease,  a heart attack.  Murdered by a robbery.  A rapist who maybe only  murders your spirit.   People being kidnapped and chained up in darkness for sex slaves.  Maybe you are living where Christians are being persecuted,  beheaded,  crucified on crossses, stoned, burned alive,  fed to dogs.  I never would have dreamed this world would have went so far back into the dark ages.  People who have said the Holy Bible is out of date might want to read it and take another look at the sickness going on around the world and right here in America’s own backyard.
Crazy?   Don’t want to hear about this?  None of us like this but we have to face the truth.  The darkness that is all around us. THE end is going to come for all at once or on day by day timing.   Not one of us know exactly when but we do all need to face the fact that it will come one day and one way or another regardless of what you believe.  Be ready mentally and spiritually.  I pray you seek God,  the One True God who sent His son Jesus Christ to shed His own blood as He was crucified on the cross but was perfect and sinless but took on all of the horrific sins of mine and yours and everyone’s in the world.  Why?  So that we might live in the presence of a Holy God and not be thrown into an eternal pit of hell.  Hell is real.   I cry when I  think of tge horrific things going on right here in the here and now. It is heartbreaking.  He’ll will be far worse than any of us can imagine.   The worse day here no matter how grotesque or violent or sickening,  worse than the craziest horror movie you may have seen,  will not be able to compare to the burning hell that awaits ALL of us!  All who haven’t called upon the name of Jesus Christ for the salvation He freely offers. We each make our own decision.  You aren’t a bad person?   If hell is a real place then it is for the truly evil such as Hitler and others that we catagorize as being bad in our eyes and not for the person who really is not so bad you say?  Not true, God is Holy and no one can be in the presence of His Glory unless they have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.   Jesus died to make ATONEMENT for our sinfulness so that we could go to heaven and be with the Lord God who created each of us.  He loves us but cannot allow the filth of sin that is in and on each one of us to enter into eternity.  He is a just God and don’t we want to live in a place free from the evil that is here now?  We deceive ourselves if we think we don’t have sin.  That is self righteousness and is a huge sin itself.  It isn’t about what we can accomplish on our own and  by our own works and good deeds. It is ONLY about what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us. He did the work that is required.   We should do good things once we are saved but doing those good things or just being a good person will not…”repeat”, WILL NOT be able to get your name in the book of life at the entrance of Heaven.   You will certainly be welcomed with open arms into Hell.  They take everyone.   All who walk the broad road will not even need to have a book checked to see if your name is in it.  Too many will be storming in to keep track of the names. The evil will torment even the evildoers on earth.   I wonder if Hitler would chanel how he lived if he could?  I think of Luke 16:19-31, which explains very clearly how a man in hell desires urgently for someone to go and warn his brothers and family so they do not end up being tormented eternally as he was.  He  begged for someone to just touch his tongue with a drop if water.  If he could only have told his brothers, if he had only realized himself!   But the passage goes on to say that his family should listen to the prophets as they have all been warned and yet no one listens and no one cares so why would it be different if he told them?   They would laugh and scoff just as they still do today.   Read the passage in Luke noted above.  Pray on it.  Seek God concerning it. You say you don’t believe?   What IF it IS TRUE and you are wrong?  Do you really want to take that chance?   Your choice and mine.  I say, REPENT  today and turn to God Almighty while you still have the chance to.  Seek Him with all your heart and soul.   He is faithful to finish the work in you.  To change you and make you more than you ever dreamed you could be.  We may not know how the things we do have affected someone else for the good while we are here.  If you choose life and not death,  if you choose Jesus Christ then one day in Heaven we will then truly see everything God wants us to know and see about the trials and struggles we are seeing or going through ourselves.  We can see how coming through them allows us to comfort someone else going through the same. 

1 Peter 4:7

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.